Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Math Work Stations

Several people have asked about how I do work stations so I thought I'd share.  I'm really just getting started but they were successful for the most part.  I wish I had decided to start blogging before school ended so I would have some pictures, but I'll do my best to explain my set up.  I strongly suggest reading Deb Diller's Math Work Stations.  Most of my ideas are based on her book.
Set up:
I had 12 stations.  Each station was designed for 2 students.  Occasionally I had to have a group of 3, but 2 is the ideal number.  I kept the supplies for each station in plastic dishpans I bought at WalMart.  You do not have to have 12 different stations!  Especially at the beginning of the year, I only had 5 or 6 different activities and just had 2 tubs with the same materials.  Some of the tubs stayed the same all year.  For example, I had a tub with pattern blocks and design cards that stayed out all year.  My kids loved BUMP games so I also had a tub with several choices of game boards.  I kept the tubs on the counter in my classroom.  You can see them in the background of this picture.  (A parent just sent this to me-it's from the first day of school!)  Under the tubs are labeled plastic shoe boxes filled with most of my math manipulatives.

Rotation:  I used 2 of the little pocket charts from the Target Dollar Spot stapled together.  I made a card that matched the label of each tub and a card with each student's name.  (Note to self: make extra cards next year; I got 5 new students this year!)  Each day I would place 2 students' cards by a station card.  I tried to do 2 rotations of about 15 minutes each time, but some days we may have only done one.  After I got to know my students, I would pair them so that my higher students could work together some days and my strugglers could work with someone a little stronger.  Most of the time all my students did stations at the same time, but occasionally I would put in  "Meet with Teacher" cards so that I could work with some small groups.  My goal next year is to do this at least 3 days a week.

If you would like a copy of my station cards, click below:

Tomorrow I'll be back to share what kinds of activities I put in the tubs and what I will do differently this year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carol,
    Welcome to bloggy world! I love what you've shared so far and just became a follower. Looking forward to more of your posts!
    Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching
